The S&D Library is located in the LB Building on the MCC Southern and Dobson Campus.
- 1st floor: academic computing, book checkout, reserves, new books, leisure reading books, tutoring, & writing center, Library Instruction Classroom (LB144), Community Room (LB145)
- 2nd floor: reference desk (research assistance), computing, group study rooms, individual study areas, general book stacks A-G, Juvenile collection, Reference collection, Library Instruction Classroom (LB245)
- 3rd floor: group and individual study areas, general book stacks H-Z, Periodical Reading Area (current periodicals), bound periodicals, Reading Room (LB300)
For more details see the floor plans.
- Hours: Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-8:00pm
Friday: 7:30am-4:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am-4:00pm
Sunday: 10:00pm-4:00pm
Note: these are the regular Fall and Spring semester hours. Check our website for holiday and intersession hours.
- Call: 480-461-7680 (Circulation, Library info)
480-461-7682 (Reference, Research assistance)
- Visit: 1833 West Southern Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85202