The Bill of Rights is the name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. The amendments mainly provide safeguards for individual liberties by restricting government's power. The amendments were introduced to the legislature by James Madison and put into effect on Dec. 15, 1791.
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Very Brief Overview
Fun Educational Media
What would life be like without the Bill of Rights? Play this click and explore activity for illustrations of life without some of our basic liberties.
The Rule of Law: Watch this 8 minute video for discussion, example and interviews on how the rule of law applies to our lives.
Bill of Rights Flash Cards
Activity and video source:
Flash cards source:
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Some Books:
Gun Fight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America by Adam Winkler
Mesa CC: Leisure Reading section (1st floor)
Red Mountain: KF3941 .W56 2011
Figures of Speech: First Amendment Heroes and Villains by William Bennett Turner
Mesa CC: JC591 .T85 2011
A Video:
Arizona is constructing America's first monument to the Bill of Rights, with a target dedication date of Dec. 15, 2012, Bill of Rights Day. Sculptor Joseph Kilcannon is working with 44,000 pounds of limestone to create the monument. Read more and follow the progress here.
Wanting to research the Bill of Rights? Try some of these search terms:
"bill of rights"
constitution or U.S. constitution
constitutional amendments
freedom of speech (religion, etc.)