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Hispanic Heritage Month

This guide will provide information and resources for Hispanic Heritage Month.

Chicano/a Research Collection Online Collections

The Chicano Experience in Arizona - Online Exhibit

Photos and information about: Ranching/Ganadería, Mining/Minería, Agriculture/ Agricultura, Organizations/ Organizaciones, Family & Community/La Familia y La Comunidad , Occupations/Ocupaciones, and Landmarks/ Marcas de Linderos.

Image Credit:
Maria Flores
MP SPC 173:336
Ocampo Family Photograph Collection

Maria Flores

La Chicana: A Celebratory Essay

"La Chicana" celebrates Mexican American women across generations, classes, and occupations, from turn-of-the-century women and their families to modern, contemporary Chicana educators and leaders.

Image Credit:
MP SPC SPC 173:687
Ocampo Family Photograph Collection


Cowgirls , Vaqueras

Sonora, Arizona 1907-1965

In the early 1900s, Mexican and Mexican American workers and their families came to the Arizona region to work for the Ray Consolidated Copper Company, and founded the community of Sonora, Arizona in 1907.Sonora prospered as a copper mining community until 1965, when the town was destroyed by the Kennecott Copper Corporation, Ray Mines division, to improve and develop its open pit operations.

Image Credit:
Groups of people walk across the bridge to St. Helen's Catholic Church./Grupos de gente caminan a través del Puente hacia la Iglesia Católica St. Helen.
Club Sonorense Records
MSS 159 7/7.1

Groups of people walk across the bridge to St. Helen's Catholic Church