There are three ways to get help in the library:
Come see us! Visit the second floor reference desk at the Elsner or Red Mountain libraries during business hours and speak with a reference librarian.
Call us! Call the Elsner library reference desk at 480-461-7682 or the Red Mountain library reference desk at 480-654-7740 and speak with a librarian during business hours.
Chat with us! The Ask A Librarian chat service is available 24/7, 365 days a years. Ask A Librarian is a free service providing real-time chat with a librarian to help with any of your research needs.
7th edition!
The publication manual for the American Psychological Association is the authoritative source for APA Style. Copies are available at the library reference desk.
For the most authoritative information on APA Style, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition. Copies are readily available at the library reference desk.
You can also consult the following online resources to help with APA paper and citation format:
APA Style FAQs - Helpful answers to frequently asked questions regarding citation and paper format.
Best of the APA Style Blog - Useful links and sample papers taken from the APA Style Blog
DOI and URL Flowchart - Use this online flowchart to determine when to include DOIs, URLs, or database information for your reference citations
Welcome to MCC's guide to help you with navigating the American Psychological Association's (APA) Citation Style. Copies of the APA Manual (6th edition) are available at the Reference Desk. The 7th edition is coming soon!
For an excellent free online guide, try the APA Style website. Or you can go directly to their References examples to get an idea of how various sources are cited.
Lansing Community College APA website is another fantastic source addressing how references from print and online sources as well as in-text citations.
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