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Reflective Writing ENG102

This will aid English 102 students who are focusing on the effects of personal, reflective, creative writing.

Sample keywords



reflective writing

personal writing

creative writing


writing therapy

food diaries

problem solving

grief diaries

grief journals


therapeutic use




psychological aspects

How to get help

There are four ways to get help in the library:

Chat with us! Logon to the Ask A Librarian online chat service available 24/7, 365 days a years. Ask A Librarian is a free service providing real-time chat with a librarian to help with any of your research needs. 

Come see us! Visit the second floor reference desk at the Elsner or Red Mountain libraries during business hours and speak with a reference librarian.

Call us! Call the Elsner library reference desk at 480-461-7682 or the Red Mountain library reference desk at 480-654-7740 and speak with a librarian during business hours.

Sample searches

If your research question is, “What are the benefits of journaling?”

Your main topics or keywords in this question are journaling and benefits.

Remember to use Boolean operators (and, or not) when searching; try to avoid typing phrases ( “What are the benefits of journaling?”)

Here are some sample searches you could try:

  • food diaries and psychological aspects
  • (creative writing or reflective writing) and benefits
  • (journaling or diaries) and health
  • (grief diaries or grief journals ) and (healing or benefits)

Search Tips!

Are you having trouble finding information on your research topic?

Here are a few tips that might help you...

Use Boolean operators to help prevent road blocks

"and" connects terms and narrows the search
"or" expands the search (finds either term)
"not" use to exclude terms

For example:

  • waterboarding and prisoner abuse
  • internet gambling and addiction
  • methamphetamine and women and abuse
  • dating or courtship
  • (television not films) and children and effects

Here is a little Prezi presentation on Search Strategies