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Mesa Community College Archives


RG 5:  Committees/Organizations/Clubs

    SG 1:  MCC Associated Student Governing Board

    SG 2:  MCC Faculty Senate

    SG 3:  Various Committees/Organizations

    SG 4:  Capital Development Advisory Council

    SG 5:   Professional Staff Association

    SG 6:   Commission on Excellence in Education

    SG 7:  Curriculum Committee

    SG 8:  MCC Leadership Team

    SG 9:  Mesa Administrative Council

MCC Student Associated Governing Board

SG 1      MCC Associated Student Governing Board

Box         1:1                         General Association History and Information (1967-1972)

                1:2                        Student Senate Meeting Minutes (1965-1968)

                1:3                        Executive Council Minutes (1966-1967)

                1:4                        Executive Council Minutes (1967-1968)

                1:5                        Executive Council Minutes (1968-1970)

                1:6                        Associated Student Minutes (1969-1970)

                1:7                        Student Senate Meeting Minutes (1970-1971)

                1:8                        Executive Council Minutes (1970-1971)

                1:9                        Student Governing Board Minutes (1971-1972)

                1:10                      Night People’s Executive Board (1971-1972)

                1:11                      Student Governing Board Minutes (1972-1973)

                1:12                      Night People’s Executive Board Minutes (1972-1973)

                1:13                      Student Governing Board Minutes (1973-1974)

                1:14                      Night People’s Executive Board Minutes (1973-1974)

Box          2:1                        Student Governing Board Minutes/Materials (1974-1975)

                2:2                        Night People’s Executive Board Minutes/Materials (1974-1975)

                2:3                        Student Governing Board Minutes (1975-1976)

                2:4                        Night People’s Executive Board Minutes/Materials (1975-1976)

                2:5                        Student Governing Board Minutes/Materials (1976-1977)

                2:6                        Night People’s Executive Board Minutes (1976-1977)

                2:7                        Student Governing Board Minutes (1977-1978)

                2:8                        Night People’s Executive Board Minutes (1977-1978)

Box         3:1                         Student Governing Board Materials (1978)

               3:2                         Student Governing Board Minutes (1978-1979)

               3:3                         Evening College Student Government Association (formerly Night People’s) Minutes (1978-1979)

               3:4                         Student Governing Board Minutes (1979-1980)

               3:5                         Student Governing Board Minutes/Book Papers (1979-1980)

               3:6                         Evening College Student Governing Board Assn Minutes/Materials (1979-1980)

Box         4:1                         Student Governing Board Minutes/Materials (1980-1981)

               4:2                         Evening College Student Governing Board Assn Minutes/Materials (1980-1981)

               4:3                         Student Governing Board Minutes/Materials (1981-1982)

               4:4                         Evening College Student Governing Board Assn Minutes/Materials (1981-1982)

               4:5                         Evening College Student Governing Board Assn Minutes/Materials (1982-1983)

               4:6                         Executive Advisory Board Minutes (1982-1983)

               4:7                         Advisory Council Minutes (1982-1983)

               4:8                         Student Governing Board Materials (1983)

               4:9                         Student Governing Board Minutes (1999-2000)

              4:10                        Student Governing Board Minutes (2000-2003)

              4:11                        ASMCC Political Program (2000-2001)

              4:12                        ASMCC Constitution and Bylaws (2000-2001)

              4:13                        Senate Meeting Schedule and Senate bills (2000-2001)

              4:14                        Senate Agendas and Minutes (2000-2001)

              4:15                        Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2000-2001)

              4:16                        ASMCC Senate Meeting Minutes (2002)

              4:17                        Cabinet and Executive Board Meeting Minutes (2002)

Box         5:1                         ASMCC Constitution and Bylaws (2003-2004)

               5:2                          Senate Meeting Minutes (2003)

               5:3                          Cabinet and Executive Board Meeting Minutes (2003)

               5:4                          ASMCC Calendar and Platform (2004-2005)

               5:5                          Senate Agendas and Minutes (2004-2005)

               5:6                          Cabinet and Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2004-2005)

               5:7                          ASMCC Bylaws and Constitutions (2006)

               5:8                          Senate Agendas and Minutes and Funding Bills (2006)

               5:9                          Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2006)

               5:10                        Senate Agendas and Minutes and Funding (2006-2007)

               5:11                        ASMCC Bylaws (2007)

               5:12                        Senate Agendas and Minutes (2007-2008)

               5:13                        Senate Funding Bills (2007-2008)

               5:14                        Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2007-2008)

               5:15                        ASMCC Bylaws and Constitutions (2008-2009)

               5:16                        Senate Agendas and Minutes (2008-2009)

               5:17                        ASMCC Budget documents and Funding bills (2008-2009)

               5:18                        Cabinet Agendas and Minutes (2008-2009)

               5:19                        Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2008-2009)

Box         6:1                          ASMCC Constitution and Bylaws (2009-2010)

               6:2                          ASMCC Senate Resolutions (2009-2010)

               6:3                          ASMCC Fiscal Reports (2009-2010)

               6:4                          ASMCC Executive Orders (2009-2010)

               6:5                          ASMCC Senate Bills (2009-2010)

               6:6                          Senate Agendas and Minutes (2009-2010)

               6:7                          Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2009-2010)

               6:8                          ASMCC Handbook, Constitution, and Bylaws (2010-2011)

               6:9                          ASMCC Senate Resolutions (2010-2011)

               6:10                        ASMCC Senate Bills (2010-2011)

               6:11                        Senate Agendas and Minutes (2010-2011)

               6:12                        Cabinet Agendas and Minutes (2010-2011)

               6:13                        Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2010-2011)

Box         7:1                          ASMCC Senate Handbook and Rules for Student Court (2011-2012)

               7:2                          ASMCC Senate Resolutions (2011-2012)

               7:3                          Senate Bills (2011-2012)

               7:4                          Senate Agendas and Minutes (2011-2012)

               7:5                          Cabinet Agendas and Minutes (2011-2012)

               7:6                          Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2011-2012)

               7:7                          ASMCC Constitution and Bylaws (2012-2013)

               7:8                          ASMCC Senate Resolutions, Executive Orders, and Articles of Impeachment (2012-2013)

               7:9                          Senate Agendas and Minutes (2012-2013)

               7:10                        Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2012-2013)

               7:11                        ASMCC Constitution and Bylaws (2013-2014)

               7:12                        ASMCC Calendar, Retreat Agenda and Training Events (2013-2014)

               7:13                        ASMCC Senate Bills (2013-2014)

               7:14                        Senate Agendas and Minutes (2013-2014)

               7:15                        Executive Board Agendas and Minutes (2013-2014)

MCC Faculty Senate

SG 2      MCC Faculty Senate

Box         1:1                          Constitutions (1969-1999)

                1:2                         List of Presidents (1963-1983)/Members (1989-1991)

                1:3                         Minutes (Aug 1964-May 1970)

                1:4                         Minutes (Aug 1970-May 1973)

                1:5                         Minutes (Aug 1971-May 1972)

                1:6                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1971-May 1973)

                1:7                         Minutes (Aug 1973-May 1975)

                1:8                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1973-May 1975)

Box          2:1                         Minutes (Aug 1975-May 1976)

                2:2                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1975-May 1976)

                2:3                         Minutes (Aug 1976-May 1977)

                2:4                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1976-May 1977)

                2:5                         Minutes (Aug 1977-May 1978)

                2:6                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1977-May 1978)

Box          3:1                         Minutes (Aug 1978-May 1980)

                3:2                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1978-May 1979)

                3:3                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1979-May 1981)

                3:4                         Minutes (Aug 1980-May 1983)

                3:5                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1981-May 1983)

Box          4:1                         Minutes (Aug 1983-May 1985)

                4:2                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1984-May 1985)

                4:3                         Minutes (Aug 1985-May 1987)

                4:4                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1987-May 1989)

                4:5                         Minutes (Aug 1987-May 1988)

                4:6                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1988-May 1989)

Box          5:1                         Minutes (Aug 1989-May 1991)

                5:2                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1989-May 1991)

                5:3                         Minutes (Aug 1991-May 1993)

                5:4                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1991-May 1993)

Box          6:1                         Minutes (Aug 1993-May 1994)

                6:2                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1993-May 1994)

                6:3                         Minutes (Aug 1994-May 1995)

                6:4                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1994-May 1995) 

                6:5                         Minutes (Aug 1995-May 1996)

                6:6                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1995-May 1996)

Box          7:1                         Treasurer’s Reports and Documents (1995-1996)

                7:2                         Minutes (Aug 1996-May 1997)

                7:3                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1996-May 1997)

                7:4                         Minutes (Aug 1997-May 1997)

                7:5                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1997-May 1998)

                7:6                         Minutes (Aug 1998-Nov 1999)

                7:7                         Meeting Documents (Aug 1998-May 1999)

Box         8:1                          Minutes (2000-May 2001)

                8:2                         Minutes (Aug 2001-May 2002)

                8:3                         Minutes (Aug 2002-May 2003)

                8:4                         Minutes (Aug 2003-May 2005)

Various Committees/Organizations

SG 3       Various Committees/Organizations

Box         1:1                           MCC Faculty Women and Wives (1973-1976)

                1:2                          CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning) Advisory Committee (2004-2009)

                1:3                          Distance Learning Mentoring Group (2002-2003)

                1:4                          Distance Learning Mentoring Group (2004-2005)

                1:5                          Distance Education Committee (2003-2005)

                1:6                          Fine Arts Committee (2004)

                1:7                          Green Group (2006-2008)

                1:8                          History and Traditions Committee 

                1:9                          International Education Advisory Committee (2001-2005)

                1:10                        Library Committee (1976-1986, 1993, 1996)

                1:11                         Mesa Leadership Council (2003)

                1:12                        Online Learning Group (2003)

                1:13                        Safety, Health and Access Committee (2002-2004)

                1:14                        Student Outcomes Committee (2004-2005)

                1:15                        Teaching Learning Technology Roundtable (2002-2005)

                1:16                        Travel Committee 

                1:17                        MCC Alumni Association (1991/2000s)

                1:18                        Building Naming Committee (for Theo Heap) (1984)

Box          2:1                          Women’s History Month Committee

                2:2                          Women’s Leadership Group (2004)

                2:3                          WebCT Users Group (formerly Computer Users Council) (1985/2004)

                2:4                          Web Oversight Committee (2005)

                2:5                          70s Project:  District-wide Faculty Committee (1971)

                2:6                          Department Chairperson/Administration Group meetings (1980-1992)

                2:7                          Student Personnel Department Meeting Minutes (1966-1973)

                2:8                          MCC Committee Membership Handbooks (1988-2009)

                2:9                          MCC Club Handbooks/Lists/Brochures 

Capital Development Advisory Board

SG 4       Capital Development Advisory Council

Box         1:1                           Agendas/Minutes (Jul-Dec 2000)

                1:2                          Agendas/Minutes (Jan-May 2001)

                1:3                          Agendas/Minutes (Jun-Sep 2001)

                1:4                          Agendas/Minutes (Oct-Dec 2001)

                1:5                          Agendas/Minutes (Jan-Jul 2002)

                1:6                          Agendas/Minutes (Aug-Dec 2002)

Box          2:1                          Agendas/Minutes (Jan-Apr 2003)

                2:2                          Agendas/Minutes (May-Jun 2003)

                2:3                          Agendas/Minutes (Jul-Dec 2003)


Professional Staff Association

SG 5       Professional Staff Association

Box         1:1                          Association Materials 

               1:2                          General Materials for Assn (1983-1985)

               1:3                          Minutes and Memos (1982-1984)

               1:4                          Zone Leaders (1983-1985)

               1:5                          District Employee Relations Committee Materials (1983-1984)

               1:6                          Constitution and Surveys (1983)

               1:7                          Agendas, Minutes and General Materials (1986-1990)

               1:8                          Agendas, Minutes and General Materials (1991-1995)

Commission on Excellence in Education

SG 6       Commission on Excellence in Education

Box         1:1                          Executive Council Mtg Minutes (1995-1996)

               1:2                          Executive Council Meeting Minutes (1997)

               1:3                          Executive Council Meeting Minutes (1998)

               1:4                          Executive Council Member Lists (1990s)

               1:5                          Executive Council Handouts and Miscellaneous Documents (1990s)

Curriculum Committee

SG 7       Curriculum Committee

Box         1:1                          Curriculum Notes (1979)

               1:2                          Reports and Minutes (1980 Pt. 1)

               1:3                          Reports and Minutes (1980 Pt. 2)

               1:4                          Reports and Minutes (1980 Pt. 3)

               1:5                          Reports and Minutes (1981 Pt. 1)

               1:6                          Reports and Minutes (1981 Pt. 2)

               1:7                          Reports and Minutes (1982 Pt. 1)

               1:8                          Reports and Minutes (1982 Pt. 2)

Box         2:1                          Reports and Minutes (1983 Pt. 1)

               2:2                          Reports and Minutes (1983 Pt. 2)

               2:3                          Reports and Minutes (1984 Pt. 1)

               2:4                          Reports and Minutes (1984 Pt. 2)

               2:5                          Reports and Minutes (1985 Pt. 1)

               2:6                          Reports and Minutes (1985 Pt. 2)

Box         3:1                          Reports and Minutes (1986 Pt. 1)

               3:2                          Reports and Minutes (1986 Pt. 2)

               3:3                          Reports and Minutes (1987-1989)

               3:4                          Reports and Minutes (1990-1993)

MCC Leadership Team

SG 8       MCC Leadership Team 

Box         1:1                           Meeting Agendas/Materials (Aug 4-Sep 22, 2003)

                1:2                          Meeting Agendas/Materials (Sep 29-Oct 20, 2003)

                1:3                          Meeting Agendas/Materials (Oct 27-Nov 3, 2003)

                1:4                          Meeting Agendas/Materials (Nov 10-Dec 2003)

                1:5                          Meeting Agendas/Materials (Jun 27, 2005)

MCC Administrative Council

SG 9       Mesa Administrative Council

Box          1:1                          Meeting Minutes (1966)

                1:2                          Meeting Minutes (1967)

                1:3                          Meeting Minutes (1968)

                1:4                          Meeting Minutes (1969)

                1:5                          Meeting Minutes (1970)

                1:6                          Meeting Minutes (1971)

                1:7                          Meeting Minutes (1972)

                1:8                          Meeting Minutes (Jan-Apr 1973)

                1:9                          Meeting Minutes (Jul-Dec 1973)

                1:10                        Meeting Minutes (Jan-May 1974)