RG 11: Negative
SG 1: Events
SG 2: Staff/Faculty Negatives
SG 3: Group Negatives
SG 4: Campus
RG 12: Slides
SG 1: Events-Faculty-Campus
SG 1 Events
Box 1 (1974-1978):
RSVP Tea (n.d.)
Registration (8/20/1974)
Action Meeting (10/8/1974)
Dr. Howe’s Party (10/21/1974)
RSVP (11/1/1974)
Child Care Center Remodeling (11/1/1974)
Crowning of King/Queen (11/2/1974)
Christmas Party (12/20/1974)
Barbeque (3/1/1975)
Library Week (4/15/1975)
Play--Little Theater (4/18/1975)
Awards Day (5/1/1975)
Graduation (5/15/1975)
Nurse’s Aid Graduation (8/7/1975)
RSVP Committee Meeting (9/11/1975)
RSVP Party (9/24/1975)
Rotary Barbeque (2/21/1976)
Opportunity Fair (2/2/8-1976)
Flag Presentation to Dr. Howe (3/1/1976)
Awards Day (5/6/1976)
Installation of Officers at Dean Kirk’s home (5/10/1976)
Graduation (5/14/1976)
Awards Day (5/15/1976)
RSVP Coffee (10/28/1976)
Graduation (5/19/1977)
Awards Day (9/14/1977)
Paul Elsner Reception (11/15/1977)
Turkey Run (11/23/1977)
NAACP Meeting (12/1977)
RSVP (1978)
Opportunity Fair (2/1978)
RSVP Dinner (3/1978)
RSVP Party (3/1978)
Opera (3/28/1978)
Student Government Banquet at Dean Kirk’s home (5/5/1978)
RSVP (5/8/1978)
Graduation (5/18/1978)
Student Christmas Party (1978)
Box 2 (1979-1996):
Native American Week (1979)
Graduation (1979)
Senior Opportunity Fair (2/10/1979)
Black Awareness Week (2/19/1979)
RSVP Annual Luncheon (3/12/1979)
Library Week (4/10/1979)
Career Day (4/20/1979)
Special Olympics (5/1979)
Disabled Facility (sic) Luncheon (5/15/1979)
Scholarship Awards Banquet (5/17/1979)
Party for Louis Gallianardo (11/7/1979)
NAACP Meeting (12/18/1979)
Black Heritage Week (2/1980)
Rodeo (2/23-25/1980)
Curbside Open House (3/1980)
Women’s Week Luncheon (11/21/1980)
Nursing Graduation (5/1980)
Nursing Breakfast (1/1981)
RSVP Lunch (22/5/1981)
Spring Bash (4/10/1981)
Nursing Breakfast (12/1981)
Student Special Services Santa (12/14/1981)
Blood Drive (9/16/1982)
MCC Week Lunch (10/12/1982)
Dedication of Tech Building (1983)
Hazes Retirement (2/28/1983)
Great Legs Contest (4/1983)
Theo Heap’s Retirement (12/1983)
Tech Building Dedication (9/1984)
Dedication (5/2/1985)
Handicapped Sports Day (4/1986)
Pres/Dean’s Breakfast (5/1986)
Homecoming Activities (10/30/1987)
Veterans’ Day 10K Run (11/12/1988)
Child Development Lab Dedication (11/1988)
Foreign Language Graduation (5/1989)
N/A Graduation (5/22/1989)
NAACP Meeting (9/1989)
MCC Graduation Faculty Reception (1991)
Homecoming (1991)
ASMCC Christmas Party (1994)
Homecoming (1996)
Empty Bowls (10/11/1996)
Student Services Retreat (12/6/1996)
Box 3 (1997-2004):
Rotary Meeting w/ Gov Jane Hull (2/3/1997)
Ribbon cutting--East Entry (Longmore Access (3/24/1997)
MCC Student Art Show Reception (4/9/1997)
Rose Garden Dedication (4/30/1997)
Tucson Retreat (Fall 1997)
Rose Garden Dedication --Second Phase (9/22/1997)
Fall Bash (10/1997)
Empty Bowls (10/15/1997)
Children’s Center Anniversary Party (10/24/19997)
Faculty Art Show Reception (10/29/1997)
Clubs Carnival (9/16/1997)
African-American History Month Luncheon (2/25/1998)
MCC Student Art Show (4/1998)
Intel Automation Lab Dedication (4/9/1998)
Early Childhood Educators Luncheon (4/16/1998)
“Vehicle Day” (4/17/1998)
MCC Innovation of the Year Awards Reception (5/1998)
United Way Kick-off Breakfast (10/1/1998)
Leadership Breakfast (10/2/1998)
Empty Bowls (10/15/1998)
Holiday Brunch (12/1998)
Children’s Center 10-year Birthday Reunion
World Language Day (3/31/1999)
Library/HTC Pics (7/21/1999)
Library/HTC Dedication (9/9/1999)
Rose Show/Navajo Room (11/20/1999)
Library Lobby Sculpture Rope (5/2000)
President Bush’s Visit (2004)
SG 2 Staff/Faculty
Box 1: Staff/Faculty Negative strips (A-F)
Box 2: Staff/Faculty Negative strips (G-K)
Box 3: Staff/Faculty Negative strips (L-Q)
Box 4: Staff/Faculty Negative strips (R-Z)
SG 3 Group Negatives
Box 1:
Administration--Group (1/1970)
Administration--Group (4/1971)
Administration--Group (6/1971)
Deans--Group (4/1975)
Deans--Group (5/1976)
Administration--Group (5/1978)
Administration--Group (7/1985)
Golf Coaches (2/1970)
Library Staff/Faculty (12/1974)
Dean Kirk’s Office Personnel (12/1974)
Admission Staff (12/1974)
Library Classified Group (12/1974)
Baseball Coaches (1/1975)
Cafeteria Group (1/1975)
Child Care Center Staff (4/1975)
Dean Howe and Aides (8/1975)
Security Police (12/1975)
Art Instructors (1/1976)
Dean Kirk’s office student personnel (1/1976)
Cafeteria Staff (1/1976)
Library Staff (1/1976)
Physical Science Faculty (1/1976)
Admissions Group (2/1976)
Administration Personnel (2/1976)
Business Office Staff (11/1976)
Life Science Staff (12/1976)
Giallonardo Office Staff (12/1976)
Dr Warsley Office Staff (12/1976)
RSVP Staff (12/1976)
Maintenance Group (12/1976)
Financial Aid Staff (1/1977)
Library Staff (1/1977)
Dean Kirk’s Staff (1/1977)
Admissions Staff (1/1977)
Physical Science Staff (1/1977)
Dean Owen’s Staff (1/1977)
Dean Heap’s Staff (1/1977)
Bookstore Staff (1/1977)
Cafeteria Staff (1/1977)
Business Dept Staff (10/1977)
Counseling Staff (11/1977)
Typing Dept Staff (1/1978)
Veterans’ Affairs Group (5/1978)
Counseling Group (5/1978)
Security (1978)
Library Staff (Night) Group (4/1981)
Track Coaching Staff (2/1983)
Tennis Coaching Staff (3/1983)
Basketball Coaching Staff (9/1983)
Football Coaching Staff (9/1980)
Football Coaching Staff (8/1984)
Math Teachers Group (11/1984)
Student Services Group (5/1987)
Nursing Staff (10/1987)
Dance Group (2/1989)
Dance Group (10/1989)
MTEC Motorola Group (10/1989)
Social-Cultural Dept Group (11/1997)
Choir (2/1976)
Choir (12/1976)
Madrigal Singers (11/1988)
PomPon (9/1974)
PomPon (11/1974)
PomPon (4/1975)
PomPon (9/1976)
Pom and Cheer (12/1976)
PomPon (5/1978)
Twirlers and Drum Major (11/1974)
Cheerleaders (10/1974)
Cheerleaders (9/1976)
Cheerleaders (1978)
Cheerleaders (8/1982)
Cheerleaders (8/1983)
Pom and Cheer (8/1984)
Cheer Squad (8/1985)
Cheerleaders (4/1986)
Cheerleaders (9/1988)
Cheer Squad (8/1995)
Class Groups:
Bilingual Class (4/1978)
Welding Graduates (5/1980)
TV Class (11/1989)
Band Group (12/1977)
Band (10/1980)
Band (1983)
Student Boards/Government:
Freshman Board (12/1974)
Freshman Officers (2/1977)
AMS Students (10/1974)
Nurses Officers (11/1974)
Women’s Honor Board (12/1974)
Women’s Honor Board (11/1975)
Women’s Honor Board (3/1976)
Women’s Honor Board (11/1978)
Honor Board (5/1979)
Black Student Union Officers (10/1976)
Student Council (10/1976)
Student Government (10/1975)
Student Government (11/1976)
Student Government (5/1977)
Student Government (2/1978)
Student Government (5/1978)
Student Government (1/1979)
Student Government (9/1983)
Student Government (4/1986)
Student Government (8/1986)
Foreign Club Officers (1/1976)
Foreign Student Officers (11/1977)
AWARE Officers (5/1978)
Student Officers (7/1988)
Box 2:
French Club (12/1974)
Action Group (12/1974)
AWS (12/1974)
PTK Club (12/1974)
PTK Group (12/1974)
Pin Pals (12/1974)
AWARE Group (8/1974)
AWARE Group (12/1974)
AWARE Group (12/1976)
AWARE Group (3/1979)
Forensic Group (11/1974)
Forensic Group (2/1975)
Forensic Group (3/1978)
Men’s Honorary Group (9/1974)
Men’s Honorary Group (10/1975)
Women’s Speech Group (10/1975)
Speech Group (4/1977)
Homecoming Group (10/1975)
Homecoming Contestants (10/1977)
German Club (12/1975)
Campus Crusade Group (1/1976)
Black Student Union Group (2/1976)
Modern Dance Club (9/1976)
Foreign Club (10/1976)
Foreign Club (10/1977)
Foreign Club (2/1978)
Horizon Group (12/1976)
Phi Theta Kappa (2/1977)
Miss MCC Contestants (4/1977)
Justice Department (8/1977)
Rodeo Club (1/1979)
Rodeo Club (2/1980)
Native American Group (3/1979)
Night People (4/1979)
Women’s Leadership Group (3/1997)
Intramurals (5/1975)
Intramurals (12/1975)
Intramural Baseball (10/1974)
Intramural Baseball (10/1975)
Baseball (3/1976)
Intramural Baseball (10/1976)
Baseball (2/1977)
Baseball (1/1978)
Baseball (2/1980)
Baseball (1/1981)
Intramural Basketball (10/1974)
Basketball (1974-1991/1998-1999)
Cross Country (1979-1983/1985/1987-1988/1990)
Football (9/1982)
Golf (1975-1976/1978-1979/1981/1984)
Gymnastics (1974/1977)
Hockey (1974-1975)
Soccer (10/1988)
Box 3:
Sports (con’t):
Softball (1975-1992)
Tennis (1974-1978/1980/1982-1988/1992)
Track (1976-1984)
Volleyball (1975-1977/1979/1982-1990)
Wrestling (1974-1976/1980/1982)
Box 4:
Contest Winners:
Intramural Winners (2/1976)
Intramural Winners (12/1979)
Speech Award Winners (3/1976)
Speech Awards (11/1976)
Speech Awards (12/1976)
Speech Awards (2/1977)
Tennis Trophy Winners (3/1976)
Tennis Awards (3/1976)
Dean Heap’s Office Awards (3/1976)
Special Olympics Awards (3/1980)
Library Certificate Awards (12/1986)
Child Development Center:
Child Development Center Group (1978/1985-1992)
Nursing Classes:
Nursing Graduates (5/1975)
Nursing Graduates (5/1976)
LPN Nursing (12/1976)
Nursing (5/1977)
Nursing (RN) Graduates (11/1977)
Nursing Graduates (4/1978)
Nursing Graduates (10/1980)
Nursing Graduates (12/1981)
Nursing Class (1/1983)
Nursing Class (9/1983)
New Nursing Class (1/1984)
Nursing Class (9/1984)
Nursing Class (1/1985)
New Nursing Class (9/1985)
Nursing Group (2/1986)
Nursing Group (9/1986)
Nursing Group (2/1987)
Nursing Group (9/1987)
Nursing Group (1/1988)
Nursing Graduates (10/1996)
Nursing Graduates (4/1997)
Nursing Graduates (11/1997)
Nursing Graduates (4/1998)
Nursing Graduates (11/1998)
Nursing Graduates (4/1999)
Nursing Graduates (10/1999)
Nursing Graduates (4/2000)
SG 4 Campus
Box 1:
Aerial Views of MCC Campus (1/14/1971)
Aerial Views of MCC Campus (8/17/1971)
Aerial Views of MCC Campus (2/11/1975)
Aerial Views of MCC Campus(1/2/1990)
Campus Views (5/1970)
Campus Views (5/10/1970)
Campus Views (11/1/1971)
Campus Views--Video Studio (1/1973)
Campus Views (5/1/1975)
Campus Views--Library (3/1976)
Campus Views (4/5/1976)
Campus Views (4/12/1977)
Campus Views (Spring 1984)
MCC Landmark Campus (n.d.)
MCC Logos for contest (1/1978)
MCC sign (4/1988)
Mesa campus sign (8/1989)
Satellite dish (6/1992)
RG 12 Slides
SG 1 Events--Faculty--Campus
Box 1:
Registration (1967)
Graduation (1979)
Halloween Dance (1987)
Vet Day 10K Run (1987)
Vet Day 10K Run (1988)
Family Easter Day (1989)
Unity Picnic (1992)
Pep Rally (n.d.)
Theatre Outback (various)
MCC College on Wheels (n.d.)
Disabled Student Event (n.d.)
MCC Faculty/Staff individual (various)
MCC Campus (1968-1973)