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Combined APA and MLA Citation Guide

Free Citation Generators

Here are a few free citation generators you can use to help create your References page. Remember that the definitive place to go for APA citation help is the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association which is available at the Reference Desk.


  • GoogleDocs-EasyBib Add On (Librarians top pick!)
    Good news if you use GoogleDocs to write your papers! This is an excellent tool that not only creates citations for you but also formats your paper with margins, spacing, hanging indents and puts citations in alphabetical order. Here are some directions on how to use the EasyBib add on in GoogleDocs.
  • BibMe
    BibMe is a free citation generator that produces citations and bibliographies in APA, MLA, Chicago and Turabian styles.
  • Citation Machine
    Citation Machine is a free site that automatically produces MLA, APA, Turabian or Chicago style citations for a variety of sources (but not bibliographies). Users can copy and paste citations into Word.
  • KnightCite
    KnightCite  automatically produces MLA, APA, or Chicago style citations for 28 types of sources.
    From the Hekman Library at Calvin College.