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Life Sciences

Web Resources


Study aids for Introductory Biology courses

Introduction to Biology (Open Learning Initiative) - This introductory course defines biology and its relationship to other sciences.

The Biology Project-an online resource for students in introductory biology courses developed at the University of Arizona. 

BioMan Biology - BioMan Biology is the fun place to learn Biology! Here you will find learning games, review games, virtual labs and quizzes that will help you to learn about cells, ecology, genetics, physiology, and much more!


Study aids for Human Anatomy & Physiology

TeachMeAnatomy - a comprehensive anatomy encyclopaedia presented in a visually-appealing, easy-to-read format

Anatomy Models - University of Colorado at Boulder

The Visible Human Project - Complete 3D representations of male and female human bodies. National Library of Medicine.

Innerbody Explorer - a free educational resource for learning about human anatomy and physiology


Other Websites

Endangered Species Program - Information from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Environmental Organization WebDirectory - Links to resources on all areas of the environment.

Understanding Medical Words Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine - This tutorial teaches you about medical words. You'll learn how parts of medical words are put together. You'll also find quizzes to check what you've learned.

JSTOR Plant Science - an online environment that brings together content, tools, and people interested in plant science. It provides access to foundational content vital to plant science – plant type specimens, taxonomic structures, scientific literature, and related materials, making them widely accessible to the plant science community as well as to researchers in other fields and to the public.

PLANTS Database  - The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. It includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distributional data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, plant links, references, crop information, and automated tools.