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Integrating Library eResources into Teaching & Learning

This guide describes how to create persistent links in your learning management system or course materials to the Libraries' e-content such online databases, online periodicals, specific articles in online periodicals, e-books, and streaming videos.



This guide describes how to create persistent links in your learning management system to the Libraries' e-content such online databases, online periodicals, specific articles in online periodicals, e-books, and streaming videos. It also describes where to find embed codes for streaming videos.


What is a persistent link?

You can embed e-books, online articles, & streaming videos into your online course material using persistent links. Persistent links are links that remain unchanged over time. This allows faculty to provide students with links that will take them directly to selected content, such as to a database or an item within a database. From off-campus, they will be asked to log in with their MEID and password.


Why use persistent links?

Using persistent links in your course is useful in many ways. It is convenient for students to have all of their required readings in one place (can be used in place of Library Reserves), you can create assignments or discussion boards that utilize library e-content, and it is easy for instructors to do themselves!

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  • Chrome is the preferred browser for accessing streaming content.
  • When embedding streaming video to a Canvas course or other platform, we suggest that you always include in the permalink/URL in addition to the embed code. This best practice gives your students an alternative method of access in the event the embedded media is blocked.
  • For further assistance, please contact the MCC Library.