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Integrating Library eResources into Teaching & Learning

This guide describes how to create persistent links in your learning management system or course materials to the Libraries' e-content such online databases, online periodicals, specific articles in online periodicals, e-books, and streaming videos.

Parts of a persistent link

Persistent links have two parts:
1. The ezproxy URL (for MCC it is
2. The database’s persistent URL

And they look something like this:


Most databases include the ezproxy portion in the link they provide, but in some databases you need to add it.

EZproxy URL Link Creator

This tool reformats the permalink by adding the Mesa Community College Library EZproxy prefix so that the link will work from off-campus.

Paste Permalink URL Here:


EZproxy Permalink:

  • Copy the EZproxy permalink from the text box above.
  • Paste the new EZproxy permalink into your document.



  • DOI (permalink) before EZproxy: 10.1002/ajhb.22419
    Most e-resources present the DOI in the brief version shown here. The phrase - - must be inserted in front of this brief DOI in the "Paste Permalink URL Here" box. This URL would then be before EZprozy.
  • After EZproxy: